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This IASTM Tool relieves foot pain

Sit on chair and place your foot on the tool. The ligaments in the foot can produce a variety of problems that interfere with your walking and running and produce pain in the heel and in the front of the foot. They are also responsible for the height of your arch and so a very tight ligament will produce a high arch. If you lay the sole of your foot on the short option of the tool you will be able to find sore or tight areas that need attention. Start gently as the tool can produce a lot of force and a bruised foot will not help you much. These ligaments can produce what is called a calcaneal spur which is a bony growth associated with the foot ligament. Move the tool around until you find the sorest spot and leave the tool there until the pain decreases. Don’t push too hard as you can injury your self if you do.

This Is the No 1 IASTM Tool used at Home

Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization IASTM tools are instruments used by therapists for fascia soft-tissue mobilization.

blankThis Mobilization Magic IASTM tool is Australia-made and Designed by an Award Winning Physical Therapist.

These tools are usually operated by a professional therapist because it is not possible to use IASTM tools that are normally associated with IASTM treatment on yourself easily. The Mobilization Magic soft tissue mobilization tool allows you to mobilize yourself in the comfort of your home.

How to use these Mobilization IASTM tools?

All you have to do is lay on the MMT tool for successively longer periods of time up to 30 mins so gravity, your body weight and time releases trigger points, the fascia and connective tissue (CT) in the skin and the underlying muscle as seen in the image right. By stretching the fascia you will increase your range of motion and be able to do things you have not been able to do for years.

Muscles have a cartilaginous/fascia skeleton that runs down the core of it, seen in the diagram below. It is difficult to stretch this skeleton by other approaches but using this MMT tool especially in sideways stretches works very well in bending the fibres in a direction that breaks up stiffness and adhesions.

hamstring pain reliefhamstring pain relief

headache orange circlegroin stretchgolfers elbow


How this IASTM Therapy Tool works

This soft tissue mobilization tool effectively breaks down fascial restrictions and scar tissue. The introduction of sustained pressure to affected soft tissue causes the stimulation of local inflammatory response. The microtrauma that pressure causes starts a reabsorption process of fibrotic tissue or excessive scar tissue and promotes a chain of healing activities resulting in normalizing the affected soft tissue. Adhesions within the soft tissue which may have developed as a result of surgery, immobilization, repeated strain or other mechanisms, are broken down allowing full functional restoration to occur.

Our IASTM Therapy Tools stimulate:

  • A flexible and well-maintained, healthy fascial network.
  • Improved (soft) tissue perfusion.
  • Improved range of motion.
  • Mobilization of the soft tissue fascia.
  • Loosening of adhesions in the connective tissue.
  • Treatment of trigger points.

The most common conditions Mobilization Magic IASTM Tools are used for:

  • Back Pain
  • Hip Pain
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Neck Pain & Headaches
  • Heel Pain /Achilles Tendinitis
  • Patella tendonitis
  • Adhesive Capsulitis
  • Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome
  • Surgical or Traumatic scars
  • Ligament Sprains
  • Non-Acute Bursitis
  •  RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)
  • Muscle Strains and tightness
  • Shin Splints
  • Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q Is IASTM Therapy safe?

A Yes, IASTM Therapy has been used world wide for over 100 years with no reported adverse reactions to it. There are some reasons (Contra-indications) to not use it which can be found here.

Q What is Fascia?

A Fascia is the glue that holds our bodies together. All the forces that our bodies experience are transmitted by the fascia, without fascia we are just a pile on bones. See Fascia Facts

Myofascial Release of your quads is easy

Important points to note:

  • The short option can be useful on several locations on the quads
  • The tall option can be used for several locations on the quads
  • You can also use the tool for sideways stretching

The Tool For Treating Quad Muscle Pain

Mobilization Magic™ is a proficient tool for quad muscle pain relief and stretching. The MM tool works very well on loosening up the tight fascia that normally causes tightness, pain, and disability in your quads. Begin by using the short option, depending on where your problem is to start with. If you feel you want more pressure, swap to the tall option. Bend and flex your knee to floss the muscle. If that feels good, roll the leg and your body to the left and right to see where the pain is greatest. Put the tool under the problem area for a minute or so. If there are no issues, slowly increase the amount of time on the tool to make sure your quad muscles can tolerate this pressure.

Quads Video capture
Knee Pain Video capture

The fascia in the quad muscles is quite strong. Remember, this stretching takes more than a 5-minute job to get the results you want. Experience has shown that you can achieve excellent results if you spend at least 15-30 minutes on the tool multiple times during the week with quad stretch exercises. You can stretch the quad muscles in a sideways direction by rotating your foot to one side and moving your body in the same direction. Rock backward and forwards until you feel the tool on the side of the muscle. This will push the muscle in a unique way—one that isn’t possible with any other approaches.

Using this stretching tool for quad muscle pain relief whilst watching TV or doing other things like reading or working on the laptop makes the time pass quickly. Remember, a warm muscle stretches much quicker than a cold one. Using a hot pack or having a hot bath helps a lot.

Quadriceps Stretch

This is the Best Quads Stretch in the World!

I say that because so many stretches you see on the internet put the spine under pressure which is a bad fault in that stretch.


The definition of a good stretch is one that only stretches the target muscle and protects all other structures, especially your spine. A good stretch can easily progress to a stronger stretch.

Now, the setup of this quad stretch for pain relief is important. Follow these recommendations carefully. If not, you may end up putting pressure on your spine or not stretching the muscle very effectively. If you have a hot pack or are willing to buy one, a warm muscle stretches much faster than a cold one, alternately have a hot bath before you do the stretch.

Lay on a table with the leg you are stretching on the table and the other leg on the floor. Place the ball of the foot—of the leg on the floor—flat on the floor. This locks your pelvis, which protects your spine from the strong forces of the stretch.

Grab the ankle of the leg that you are stretching and pull it towards your buttock. If you are not flexible enough to do that, you can use a towel or rope to pull the ankle towards your hip. Breathe deeply while you are stretching. This will help relax the Quads for ease of stretching.

You will feel a significantly stronger stretch in this position. As that stretch subsides, you can progress and increase the stretch by moving the foot on the floor in the direction of your head. This will not put stress on your spine, as the leg on the ground locks your pelvis.

Neck Pain and Headaches can be fixed quickly

Lay on your back use the short option in several positions with hand on forehead then with rotation with hand on side of head. Use pillows or towels under the head to start with to reduce the pressure if required, in what ever position you use the tool. Caution just start with the weight of your head so you can get used to how it feels, do not rush this process.

Nick Neck Lateral stretch

Relieve Your Neck Pain & Stiffness

Do not push with your hand as you may use too much pressure and cause an injury, just use the weight of your arm. In Side lying use the tall option with hand on side of head to increase the side bending, again do not use any force just use the weight of your arm. Put towels or pillows under your head if the pressure is too strong to start with. The MM tool works brilliantly on the neck, the 25 mm diameter of the tool is the exact diameter needed to get those joints moving and soften the often very tight muscles there. Headaches and pain behind the eye are caused by referred pain from pinched nerves in your upper neck. Place the tool under your upper neck just below the skull to open up the space where these nerves are and take the pressure off them. Place a pillow or towel under your head to start with so there is not too much pressure. If you have had whiplash like in a car accident or know you have an unstable segment in your neck you should avoid that segment with this tool. Ask a health professional if in doubt.

If you have a clicky neck, then using this tool helps remove those clicks by getting the other segments either side to move better. Be very careful with using this tool on your neck as the tool can produce a lot of force, your neck is a delicate structure and can be injured if you push, only use the weight of your arm do not push. Once you are used to having the pressure on your neck you can try to move the head left and right to increase the amount of rotation your neck has. Place you hand on the side of your head and gently move your head to one side, hold it there and your head will be able to gradually move further in that direction as the joints and muscles loosen up. Move the tool to a lower segment and repeat what has been said above. To loosen your neck in side bending you need to lay on your side using the tall option on the tool.

Again, do not push your head just use the weight of your arm to move the head gently into side bending. Hold it there and your head will be able to gradually move further in that direction as the joints and muscles loosen up. A warm muscle stretches much quicker than a cold one so using a hot pack or having hot bath helps a lot. You can spend up to 30 mins in one spot per session if you feel that the tight fascia is giving away over time. Caution: If you feel pins and needles, numbness or spots in front of your eyes, move the tool to another spot. Keep your eyes open whilst doing this stretch.

Headaches require Myofascial release of your neck muscles

Lay on your back use the short option in several positions with hands on forehead then with rotation with hand on side of head. Use pillows or towels under the head to start with to reduce the pressure. In Side lying use the tall option with hand on side of head to increase side bending. The MM tool works brilliantly on the neck, the 25 mm diameter of the tool is the exact radius needed to get those joints moving and soften the often very tight muscles there. Headaches and pain behind the eye are caused by referred pain from pinched nerves in your upper neck.

Place the tool under your upper neck just below the skull to open up the space where these nerves are and take the pressure off them. Place a pillow or towel under your head to start with so there is not too much pressure. If you have had whiplash like in a car accident or know you have an unstable segment in your neck you should avoid that segment with this tool. Ask a health professional if in doubt? If you have a clicky neck, then using this tool helps remove those clicks by getting the other less mobile segments either side to move better.

Treatment Exercises For Managing Headaches

Be very careful with using this tool on your neck as the tool can produce a lot of force, your neck is a delicate structure and can be injured if you push, only use the weight of your arm do not push. Once you are used to having the pressure on your neck you can try to move the head left and right to increase the amount of rotation your neck has. Place you hand on the side of your head and gently move your head to one side, hold it there and your head will be able to gradually move further in that direction as the joints and muscles loosen up. Move the tool to a lower segment and repeat what has been said above.

To loosen your neck in side bending you need to lay on your side using the tall option on the tool. Again, do not push your head just use the weight of your arm to move the head gently into side bending. Hold it there and your head will be able to gradually move further in that direction as the joints and muscles loosen up.

A warm muscle stretches much quicker than a cold one so using a hot pack or having hot bath helps a lot. Caution: If you feel pins and needles, numbness or see spots before your eyes move the tool to another spot. Keep your eyes open at all times when working on your neck.

You can stretch the muscle sideways which is a unique feature of the Mobilization Magic™ hamstring massage tool by rolling your leg left or right until the side of the muscle is on the hamstring massage tool this helps stretch the fascial skeleton of the muscle.

Biceps Pain responds well to the Mobilization Magic tool. Start by using the tool for only a few minutes and not in the sorest area first, so you can gauge how the muscle or joint will react to the tool.

Release your hands with this IASTM tool

Access to a hand massage tool helps you keep your cramps under control without the assistance of anyone else. Physiotherapist Peter Gregory designed our magic massager, and a wide range of clients, including physios, CrossFit gyms, and universities, have tested it. Get your hand massage tool today and start taking care of your muscles independently.


When You Can Use Our Massage Tool for Your Hand

Understanding when to use our massage tool is the best place to start before committing to a purchase. Our Mobilization Magic Tool™ is suitable for use in multiple scenarios related to your hands, including the following:

    • Your hands feel unusually stiff. Our tool can help you work out some of the stiffness. Whether a result of training or a different underlying issue, the Mobilization Magic Tool™ could alleviate some discomfort with a few quick sessions.
    • You experience some form of numbness or tingling in your hands. While these symptoms can originate from various issues, using our massage tool before seeking alternative treatments will support multiple therapies.
    • Rehabilitation training after hand surgery. Adding our massage tool to your hand rehabilitation routine post-surgery could increase your recovery speed. With that said, you must always consult your doctor regarding postoperative protocol.

With the assistance of our Mobilization Magic Tool™, you can experience an at-home massage session with minimal effort to assist you in the alleviation of aches, pains, and stiff muscles. Whether you need it to relax your muscles after a strenuous workout or as a daily tool to assist in the rehabilitation of strained or injured muscles, our massage tool is always a good option.

This IASTM tool will fix your calf pain

blankCalf muscle pain is difficult to get long term improvement in because it is a muscle that is used every day, all day and so the fascia in the calf is very strong and usually tight. Start off with calf on tool if there are no issues then put the other leg on top to increase the pressure. At some point the tool will stretch the muscle fascia and the pain will increase sharply, just lift the leg off the tool until the pain subsides then put the leg back on the tool in the same spot.

The calf is the only muscle that increases in pain at about 20 mins into your first long session on the tool. When the pain increases take the calf off the tool until the pain recedes and then put it back down where it was before and the tool will continue melting into the tight muscle. The beauty of this tool that it can stretch the muscles sideways instead of the regular length ways method which is not possible with other approaches.

Sideways stretching of muscles is very effective in stretching adhesions which stick muscles to each other and other surrounding structures. This sideways stretching of the calf muscle is achieved by placing the muscle to be stretched on one half of the tool and rotating the leg away from the tool. Then rocking back and forth on the tool until you can feel the tool pushing the muscle sideways, hold this position as long as you can as this will release the tight tissues and improve your range of motion. Achilles Tendon issues can also be done in this position as well.

Best IASTM Tool for Tricep Pain

Currently struggling with unwavering pain from triceps trigger points? There is a pioneering tool for triceps pain known as Mobilization Magic™ that’s here to help. The MMT is a self-help device innovatively designed for disabling muscle tightness and tension with massages and stretches.


Tricep Pain Treatment

The fascia in the triceps is quite strong, but MMT provides an effective solution. Remember, this stretching takes more than 5 simple minutes to get the results you want. Experience has shown that you can achieve excellent results if you spend at least 15–30 minutes on the tool multiple times during the week with triceps stretching exercises. Be sure to rock backward and forward until you feel the tool on the side of the muscle. This will push the muscle in a unique way—one not possible with any other approaches.

Using this stretching tool for tricep pain relief while watching TV, reading, or working on your laptop makes the time pass quickly. Remember that a warm muscle stretches much quicker than a cold one. Using a hot pack or having a hot bath helps a lot to alleviate any tricep muscle pain.

How to fix your Triceps Pain

As always with the tool, start by using the tool for only a few minutes and not in the sorest area first. This crucial step is so you can gauge how the muscle or joint will react to the tool. Once you are comfortable using the tool, you can increase the time spent on the tool in 5-minute increments up to 30 minutes. Keep the tool in one spot until the pain, discomfort, or tightness has markedly reduced or disappeared. You can stretch the muscle sideways—an extraordinary feature of the MMT—by rolling your arm left or right until the side of the muscle is on the tool. This helps to stretch the fascial skeleton of the muscle.

Next, lie face up either on the floor or on a bed or a table.

Put the short option tool under the triceps starting at the top and working your way down the muscle, pausing on sore spots.

Keep your arm stationary and floss the muscle by bending and straightening the elbow.