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The Dangers of Working Out While Injured


Does the overly stated proverb of “no pain, no gain” ever spring to your mind? Chances are, you’ve heard this phrase before yet haven’t realized how powerful the statement genuinely is. Every individual faces a multitude of challenges and setbacks in life. Each painful experience provides fundamental lessons and leaves ever-lasting impacts on one’s future.

Embracing some pain when exercising is certainly possible, yet everybody should be aware of the potential consequences that can occur if they’re not careful. This holds especially true for those facing a current injury. The healing process involves varying levels of pain as an individual regains strength and movement. Let’s take a closer look at the dangers of working out while injured to set you on the right path to recovery.

The Fine Line of Staying Active: Risks and Limitations

Even though everyone may strive to avoid getting hurt, an injury can occur to just about anyone at one time or another. Needless to say, that situation comes with an influx of frustrations and challenges. The number one question you may ask yourself is: “Do I still train through the enduring pain?”

There’s a fine line between taking things too easy and rushing too rapidly through the recovery process. Despite popular belief to stop, drop, and roll away from a regular fitness routine after an injury, individuals need to keep their bodies moving in some shape or form. The key to avoiding further risks to your well-being is to know your limits and cautiously modify your activity levels for proper healing.

The Risk of Reverting to Square One

Incorrectly exercising when injured can inevitably set back your progress. The solution is to first and foremost listen to recommendations and advice from your doctor or physical therapist. Checking in with a professional is essential to generate a recovery strategy and treatment plan specific to your diagnosis.

Remember that every injury is unique, requiring customization based on your activities or sports of choice. Every human body is different. Listen to yours as you regain strength, coordination, and flexible movement.

The Risk of Causing Greater Harm or Injury

Another one of the primary dangers of working out while injured is experiencing further injuries beyond the affected area. Recovery is not the time to push yourself to the limit. You can cut back on your effort when you find yourself pushing too hard. Pain is the body’s best prevention method against physical harm, so don’t ignore discomfort in compressed or sensitive areas. Use the presence of pain as a guide during any active recovery techniques and mobilization tactics.

You can turn to Mobilization Magic™ to help take the pain away and come back stronger than ever. Designed by a professional physiotherapist, the Mobilization Magic Tool™ is a tried-and-tested trigger point self-massage tool. Called the 24/7 therapist’s elbow, the MMT has an efficiency that’s unmatched in the market. Faster recovery times and protection against further debilitating injury are at your fingertips. Learn more about the one-of-a-kind sideways stretching advantage the MMT holds for users on our website today.