Treatment Exercises

Get Your Massage Tool Now

Back Massage Tool


This IASTM Tool Get’s your back moving again

There are several reasons why you may suffer from back pain. These include being out of shape, getting on in years, and carrying more weight than your frame can easily manage. Other causes involve arthritis, staying in the same position for long periods, or repetitive motion. You may have injured the muscles and ligaments that support your spine. The Mobilization Magic back massage tool (MMT) can help whatever the reason.

Mid Spine with towel
Mid Spine Video capture

Using The Back Massage Tool

  • Our #1 back massage tool uses gravity and your body weight to relieve discomfort, stiffness, a sharp or burning pain.
  • You can take it wherever you go as it splits in two and easily fits inside a travel bag. The MMT purchase price is lower than half what you would pay for a physiotherapy session.

Consult your doctor if you suspect you have a pinched nerve, fractured vertebra, herniated disc, spinal instability, or a medical condition -gallbladder issues, cancer, or osteoarthritis. So too after a fall, sports injury, accident, if you have a fever with the pain or when losing bladder or bowel control.

How to get the best results when using the massage tool for back pain

When treating your upper, mid, or lower spine, place the tool away from the sore spot for a minute to ensure the pain does not increase. Positioning it directly underneath may result in extreme discomfort. Breathe deeply throughout and increase the time on the tool to 30 minutes over time for a lasting effect.

  • Put towels or pillows on either side of the tool, level with the top of the short option, to reduce the amount of pressure you experience. Decrease or increase the padding, depending on your comfort level.
  • Change the position of the MMT from above to below the tender area to enable movement of the vertebrae.
  • Consider rolling from side to side to increase the rotation of the spine and move your ribs. You may want to turn the tool parallel to your spine to connect with the rib joints more efficiently. Also, raise your arms above your head and then lower them to achieve better spinal mobility.

Refrain from using the tall option on your back or when experiencing referred pain down your leg, and move the tool to a different area if you feel numbness or pins and needles. We want you to be safe and as comfortable as possible when using the Mobilization Magic Tool.