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Myofascial release your shoulder muscles

Do you often feel discomfort in your shoulders, characterised by concentrated pain points? We offer a shoulder massage tool that you can use at home to self-manage aching muscles so that you don’t have to learn how to live with unease in your body.

Pectortalis- Chest Video capture
Lateral Shoulder Nick
Shoulder Video capture


Loosen up Tight Muscles With Our Massage Tool for Shoulder Stiffness

The shoulders are a complex joint surrounded by an intricate network of muscles that easily knot under tension. This is how you can help restore the ease with which you move your upper body with our massage tool for shoulder pain:

  • The first step is to move your arm in different directions to find out where exactly the pain is. Once you’ve discovered the sore spot, and depending on where this is, either lay on your front, side or back and place the massage tool under the problem area.
  • Do this for as long as your shoulder can stand the pressure.
  • With each new session, you’ll find that you can increase the duration you use the tool, which is most effective if used for at least 10-20 minutes.

Restore Flexibility With Our Shoulder Massage Tool

The massage tool takes away stiffness by improving blood circulation in the area to provide relief from tight muscles and painful joints. Here are some of the added benefits you can expect when using this therapeutic device.

  • Not finding the time to take care of your aches and pains is no longer an issue since you can use this convenient massage tool while watching TV or reading.
  • Besides improving the range of movement in your shoulders, regular use of the massage tool will also strengthen muscles.
  • You can also use the massage tools to loosen pectoral muscles by placing them underneath your pecs while dangling your arms over a table or bench.

Discover this corrective tool that simultaneously enhances muscle function.

Elbow Pain can be fixed with this IASTM Tool

Elbow pain not associated with the joint itself is usually caused by four groups of muscles, the Biceps, Triceps, Finger Extensors, and Finger Flexors. Each group of muscles has a different way of loosening the tight fascia that causes the pain.


Tennis Elbow Video capture
Golfer's Elbow Video capture

Treat Tennis Elbow (Lying Down)

Tennis elbow is pain on the outside of the forearm, which is associated with the muscles that straighten your fingers. You use this tool for elbow pain treatment by laying on your side like the photo below resting the outside muscles on the short option of the tool, and using the other hand to stretch the muscles sideways by rolling them against the tool from the elbow down their length. Put the tool on the outside of the muscle and rotate the forearm to push the muscles sideways. As always, hold the stretch until the tight fascia releases sufficiently to give you relief.


Relieve Golfer’s Elbow (Sitting on a chair)

Golfer’s elbow is tendonitis pain on the inside of your elbow. For this type of discomfort, Mobilization Magic™ proves to be an effective tool for elbow pain treatment. Sit at a table with your muscle on the tool and use your other hand to side stretch those muscles from the elbow down their length. Put the tool on the outside of the muscle and rotate the forearm to push the muscles sideways.

For a detailed explanation of the other two muscle groups, feel free to look at our other resource pages: Biceps or Triceps.


Remain aware that there are nerves in this area. Perform these stretches in short periods to start with to make sure you are not putting pressure on those nerves. If you feel pins and needles, numbness, move the tool to another spot. When using this tool for elbow pain treatment, move the wrist into flexion and extension to floss the muscle.

As always with the tool, start by using the tool for only a few minutes and not in the sorest area first, so you can gauge how the muscle or joint will react to the tool. Once you are comfortable using the tool, you can increase the time spent on the tool in 5-minute increments up to 30 minutes. Keep the tool in one spot until the pain or discomfort/tightness has gone or markedly reduced. You can stretch the muscle sideways—a unique feature of the MMT—by rolling your arm left or right until the side of the muscle is on the tool. This helps stretch the fascial skeleton of the muscle.

Whether you suffer from golfer’s (pain inside the elbow) or tennis elbow (pain on the outside,) our elbow massage tool has been designed to use gravity and body weight to relieve muscle and joint pain.

Is Massage Good for Elbow Pain?

The elbow pain you experience is associated with the joint or the surrounding muscles. An alternative to taking painkillers or having to visit a physiotherapist is massage. This method empowers you to provide self-relief because of the following.

  • The pressure applied to the painful area when using the massage tool releases muscle tension.
  • When in use, the tool also increases blood circulation to the area, which delivers oxygen to the muscles and aids the healing process.
  • In addition to reducing soreness in the area, regular use of the massage tool also increases flexibility.

How Do You Massage a Sore Elbow?

Depending on whether you’re experiencing golfer’s or tennis elbow, you need to apply the concentrated force of the massage tool in the following ways:

  • For relief from tennis elbow, lie on your side on the floor. Put the outside muscle of the upper forearm on the elbow massage tool and rotate the forearm to push the muscles sideways with your other hand.
  • For golfer’s elbow, sit at a table and place your arms in the same position as described above while applying outward pressure to the muscle from the inside to the outside of the forearm.

Physiotherapist Peter Gregory designed the massage tool, so you can rest assured of improved mobility and muscle strength.